Lab News

DARS 2024 Conference

Aug 2024: Two new papers from our group! Self-organized Strategic Sacrifice for multi-robot inspection with climbing Rovables, and Leader-Follower 3D formations underwater with our BlueSwarm Robots. Congrats to Sneha Ramashanker, Dr. Di Ni, and Dr. Hungtang Ko! Check out…

The Swarm Garden @ Lewis Art Complex, CoLab

Apr 9, 2024: The Swarm Garden exhibit was a huge success!  Over a 100 visitors experienced firsthand the blend of art + engineering, witnessing how dynamic “living-like” spaces promote health and happiness. Not to…

Fish, Robots, and Fluid Stigmergy

Oct 25, 2023: Dr. Hungtang Ko's paper is finally out! Check out our review article in Royal Society Interface: "The role of hydrodynamics in collective motions of fish schools and bioinspired underwater robots" We are also the Nov cover photo!

Sante Fe Institute & Lensic Theatre Lecture

Oct 18, 2023: Prof. Radhika Nagpal gave the Sante Fe Institute's Community Lecture at the Lensic Performing Arts Center in Sante Fe, NM. She talked about AI, army ants, self-assembling robots, and zeroG flights.

Recent Publications


Chiu D, Nagpal R, Haghighat B. Optimization and Evaluation of a Multi Robot Surface Inspection Task Through Particle Swarm Optimization. In: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). 2024.
Ni D, Ko H, Nagpal R. Leader-Follower 3D Formation for Underwater Robots. In: 17th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS’24). New York, USA; 2024.
Ramshanker S, Ko H, Nagpal R. Strategic Sacrifice: Self-Organized Robot Swarm Localization for Inspection Productivity. In: 17th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS’24). New York, USA; 2024.
Siemensma T, Chiu D, Ramshanker S, Nagpal R, Haghighat B. Collective Bayesian Decision-Making in a Swarm of Miniaturized Robots for Surface Inspection. In: 14th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ANTS). Konstanz, Germany; 2024.