
Welcome to the SSR Lab! Our interdisciplinary "collective" brings together members from many disciplines including ME, EE, CS, Math, and Biology. You can find us in the new shared Robotics@Princeton F-wing Space, on the left side of the Equad Cafe Lobby. We also have dedicated lab spaces in the Equad (J431) and Forrestal (Water Tank Lab)

Our lab is committed to building a diverse, creative, social-justice minded, fun, collective culture in Robotics. We manage the Fwing Diversity BookShelf and spontaneous reading hour, we work closely with the Princeton NSBE chapter, and we work on "inreach" (self-education and systemic reform) initiatives to tackle gender and race inequity.

Principal Investigator

Current Members

Undergraduate Researchers


  • Isaac Owen (ECE, Jan 2023-present, senior thesis, BlueSwarm)
  • Yenet Tafesse (COS, Sept 2023-present, senior thesis, Swarm Garden)
  • Jad Bendarkawi (ECE, Sept 2023-present, senior thesis, Swarm Garden)
  • Brian Mmari (ECE, Jan 2023-present, Blue Guppies), 
  • Sabrina Nicacio (MAE, Spring 2024, 3D Inspection Swarms).
  • Abigail Girma (MAE, Summer 2023-present, Fish Schooling)

Alum: Joachim Amber (MAE, Fall 2023), Etiosa Omeike (ECE, Spring 2023), Abhinav Agarwal (MAE Senior Thesis 2023), Darren Chiu (ECE Senior Thesis 2023), Isabell Pu (COS Senior Thesis 2023), Lucy Norton (MAE Senior Thesis 2022).