Strategic Sacrifice: Self-Organized Robot Swarm Localization for Inspection Productivity

Publication Year


Conference Paper

Robot swarms offer significant potential for inspecting di- verse infrastructure, ranging from bridges to space stations. However, effective inspection requires accurate robot localization, which demands substantial computational resources and limits productivity. Inspired by biological systems, we introduce a novel cooperative localization mech- anism that minimizes collective computation expenditure through self- organized sacrifice. Here, a few agents bear the computational burden of localization; through local interactions, they improve the inspection pro- ductivity of the swarm. Our approach adaptively maximizes inspection productivity for unconstrained trajectories in dynamic interaction and environmental settings. We demonstrate the optimality and robustness using mean-field analytical models, multi-agent simulations, and hard- ware experiments with metal climbing robots inspecting a 3D cylinder.

Conference Name
17th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS'24)
Conference Location
New York, USA