Bayes Bots: Collective Bayesian Decision-Making in Decentralized Robot Swarms

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Conference Proceedings

We present a distributed Bayesian algorithm for robot swarms to classify a spatially distributed feature of an environment. This type of “go/no-go” decision appears in applications where a group of robots must collectively choose whether to take action, such as determining if a farm field should be treated for pests. Previous bio-inspired approaches to decentralized decision-making in robotics lack a statistical foundation, while decentralized Bayesian algorithms typically require a strongly connected network of robots. In contrast, our algorithm allows simple, sparsely distributed robots to quickly reach accurate decisions about a binary feature of their environment. We investigate the speed vs. accuracy tradeoff in decision-making by varying the algorithm’s parameters. We show that making fewer, less-correlated observations can improve decision-making accuracy, and that a well-chosen combination of prior and decision threshold allows for fast decisions with a small accuracy cost. Both speed and accuracy also improved with the addition of bio-inspired positive feed- back. This algorithm is also adaptable to the difficulty of the environment. Compared to a fixed-time benchmark algorithm with accuracy guarantees, our Bayesian approach resulted in equally accurate decisions, while adapting its decision time to the difficulty of the environment.

Conference Name
Intl. Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)