All Publications

131 Publications

Conference Paper

R. Weiss, G. Homsy, and R. Nagpal, “Programming Biological Cells”, in International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, Wild & Crazy Ideas Session, 1998.
R. Nagpal, “Programmable Self-Assembly Using Biologically-Inspired Multiagent Control”, in Proceedings of the 1st International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), 2002.
R. Nagpal, “Programmable Pattern-Formation and Scale-Independence”, in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Complex Systems (ICCS), 2002. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Programmable Pattern-Formation and Scale-Independence
L. Clement and R. Nagpal, “Self-Assembly and Self-Repairing Topologies”, in Workshop on Adaptability in Multi-Agent Systems, RoboCup Australian Open, 2003. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Self-Assembly and Self-Repairing Topologies
R. Nagpal, A. Kondacs, and C. Chang, “Programming Methodology for Biologically-Inspired Self-Assembling Systems”, in AAAI Spring Symposium on Computational Synthesis: From Basic Building Blocks to High Level Functionality, 2003. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Programming Methodology for Biologically-Inspired Self-Assembling Systems
R. Nagpal, “Towards a Catalog of Biologically-inspired Primitives”, in Workshop on Engineering Self-organising Applications, Autonomous Agents and Multiagents Systems Conference (AAMAS), 2003. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Towards a Catalog of Biologically-inspired Primitives
K. Stoy and R. Nagpal, “Self-repair and Scale-independent Self-reconfiguration (for a modular robot)”, in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2004. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Self-repair and Scale-independent Self-reconfiguration (for a modular robot)
J. Werfel, Y. Bar-Yam, and R. Nagpal, “Building Patterned Structures with Robot Swarms”, in Intl. Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI ’05), 2005. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Building Patterned Structures with Robot Swarms
G. Werner-Allen, G. Tewari, A. Patel, M. Welsh, and R. Nagpal, “Firefly-Inspired Sensor Network Synchronicity with Realistic Radio Effects”, in ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys ’05), 2005.
J. Cheng, W. Cheng, and R. Nagpal, “Robust and Self-repairing Formation Control for Swarms of Mobile Agents”, in National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI ’05), 2005. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Robust and Self-repairing Formation Control for Swarms of Mobile Agents
J. Werfel and R. Nagpal, “Three-dimensional Directed Construction by Mobile Robots”, in Workshop on Self-Reconfigurable Modular Robots, Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS), 2006. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Three-dimensional Directed Construction by Mobile Robots
J. Werfel, Y. Bar-Yam, D. Rus, and and R. Nagpal, “Distributed Construction by Mobile Robots with Enhanced Building Blocks”, in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2006. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Distributed Construction by Mobile Robots with Enhanced Building Blocks
C. Schuil, M. Valente, J. Werfel, and R. Nagpal, “Collective Construction Using Lego Robots”, in Robot Exhibition, National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2006. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Collective Construction Using Lego Robots
M. Mamei and R. Nagpal, “Macro Programming through Bayesian Networks: Distributed Inference and Anomaly Detection”, in IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication (Percom), 2007. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Macro Programming through Bayesian Networks: Distributed Inference and Anomaly Detection
J. Werfel, D. Ingber, and R. Nagpal, “Collective Construction of Environmentally-adaptive Structures”, in IEEE Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2007. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Collective Construction of Environmentally-adaptive Structures
A. Patel, J. Degesys, and R. Nagpal, “Desynchronization: The Theory of Self-Organizing Algorithms for Round-Robin Scheduling”, in IEEE Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO), 2007. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Desynchronization: The Theory of Self-Organizing Algorithms for Round-Robin Scheduling
R. Nagpal and D. Yamins, “Global-to-Local Programming: Design and Analysis for Amorphous Computers”, in IEEE Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO), 2007. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Global-to-Local Programming: Design and Analysis for Amorphous Computers
J. Werfel and R. Nagpal, “Towards a Common Comparison Framework for Global-to-Local Programming of Self-assembling Robotic Systems”, in Workshop on Self-reconfigurable Robot Systems and Applications, IEEE Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2007. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Towards a Common Comparison Framework for Global-to-Local Programming of Self-assembling Robotic Systems
J. Degesys, I. Rose, A. Patel, and R. Nagpal, “DESYNC: Self-Organizing Desynchronization and TDMA on Wireless Sensor Networks”, in International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), 2007. [Online]. Available: Referenced from DESYNC: Self-Organizing Desynchronization and TDMA on Wireless Sensor Networks
J. Degesys and R. Nagpal, “Towards Desynchronization of Multi-hop Topologies”, in IEEE Intl. Conf. on Self-Organising Systems (SASO), 2008. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Towards Desynchronization of Multi-hop Topologies
C.- han Yu, K. Haller, D. Ingber, and R. Nagpal, “Morpho: A Self-Deformable Modular Robot Inspired By Cellular Structure”, in IEEE Intl. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2008. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Morpho: A Self-Deformable Modular Robot Inspired By Cellular Structure
D. Yamins and R. Nagpal, “Automated Global-to-Local Programming in 1-D Spatial Multi-Agent Systems”, in Intl. Conf on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), 2008. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Automated Global-to-Local Programming in 1-D Spatial Multi-Agent Systems
C.- han Yu and R. Nagpal, “Self-Adapting Modular Robotics: A Generalized Distributed Consensus Framework”, in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2009. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Self-Adapting Modular Robotics: A Generalized Distributed Consensus Framework
C.- han Yu, J. Werfel, and R. Nagpal, “Coordinating Collective Locomotion in an Amorphous Modular Robot”, in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2010. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Coordinating Collective Locomotion in an Amorphous Modular Robot
C.- han Yu, J. Werfel, and R. Nagpal, “Collective Decision-Making in Multi-Agent Systems by Implicit Leadership”, in Intl. Conf on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), 2010. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Collective Decision-Making in Multi-Agent Systems by Implicit Leadership
N. Hoff, A. Sagoff, R. J. Wood, and R. Nagpal, “Two Foraging Algorithms for Robot Swarms Using Only Local Communication”, in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2010. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Two Foraging Algorithms for Robot Swarms Using Only Local Communication
R. Belisle, C.- han Yu, and R. Nagpal, “Mechanical Design and Locomotion of Modular-Expanding Robots”, in Modular Robotics Workshop, IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2010. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Mechanical Design and Locomotion of Modular-Expanding Robots
M. Rubenstein and R. Nagpal, “KiloBot: A Robotic Modules for Demonstrating Collective Behaviors”, in Modular Robotics Workshop, IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2010. [Online]. Available: Referenced from KiloBot: A Robotic Modules for Demonstrating Collective Behaviors
N. Hoff, R. Wood, and R. Nagpal, “Distributed Colony-Level Algorithm Switching for Robot Swarm Foraging”, in Intl Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS), 2010. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Distributed Colony-Level Algorithm Switching for Robot Swarm Foraging
C.- han Yu and R. Nagpal, “Biologically-Inspired Control for Multi-Agent Self-Adaptive Tasks”, in Twenty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2010. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Biologically-Inspired Control for Multi-Agent Self-Adaptive Tasks
P. Bailis, R. Nagpal, and J. Werfel, “Positional Communication and Private Information in Honeybee Foraging Models”, in Intl. Conference on Swarms Intelligence (ANTs), 2010.
J. Werfel, K. Petersen, and R. Nagpal, “Distributed Multi-Robot Algorithms for the TERMES 3D Collective Construction System”, in Modular Robotics Workshop, Intl. Conference on Robots and Systems (IROS), 2011. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Distributed Multi-Robot Algorithms for the TERMES 3D Collective Construction System
K. Dantu, B. Kate, J. Waterman, P. Bailis, and M. Welsh, “Programming Micro-Aerial Swarms with Karma”, in Intl. Conf. on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (Sensys), 2011. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Programming Micro-Aerial Swarms with Karma
K. Petersen, R. Nagpal, and J. Werfel, “TERMES: An Autonomous Robotic System for Three-Dimensional Collective Construction”, in Robotics: Science and Systems Conference (RSS), 2011.
B. Kate, J. Waterman, K. Dantu, and M. Welsh, “Simbeeotic: A Simulator and Testbed for Micro-Aerial Vehicle Swarm Experiments”, in Intl. Conf. on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), 2012. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Simbeeotic: A Simulator and Testbed for Micro-Aerial Vehicle Swarm Experiments
N. Napp, O. Rappoli, J. Wu, and R. Nagpal, “Materials and Mechanisms for Amorphous Robotic Construction”, in IEEE Intl. Conference on Robots and Systems (IROS), 2012. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Materials and Mechanisms for Amorphous Robotic Construction
Y.-L. Park, B.-R. Chen, C. Majidi, R. Wood, R. Nagpal, and E. Goldfield, “Active Modular Elastomer Sleeve for Soft Wearable Assistance Robots”, in IEEE Intl. Conference on Robots and Systems (IROS), 2012. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Active Modular Elastomer Sleeve for Soft Wearable Assistance Robots
N. Napp and R. Nagpal, “Distributed Amorphous Ramp Construction in Unstructured Environments”, in Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS), 2012. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Distributed Amorphous Ramp Construction in Unstructured Environments
M. Rubenstein, C. Ahler, and R. Nagpal, “Kilobot: A Low Cost Scalable Robot System for Collective Behaviors”, in IEEE Intl. Conf on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2012. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Kilobot: A Low Cost Scalable Robot System for Collective Behaviors
N. Napp and R. Adams, “Message Passing Inference with Chemical Reaction Networks”, in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2013. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Message Passing Inference with Chemical Reaction Networks
A. Becker, G. Habibi, J. Werfel, M. Rubenstein, and J. McLurkin, “Massive Uniform Manipulation: Controlling Large Populations of Simple Robots With a Common Input Signal”, in IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2013. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Massive Uniform Manipulation: Controlling Large Populations of Simple Robots With a Common Input Signal