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7 Publications
J. Ebert, M. Gauci, F. Mallmann-Trenn, and R. Nagpal, “Bayes Bots: Collective Bayesian Decision-Making in Decentralized Robot Swarms”, Intl. Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). 2020.
Y.-L. Park et al., “Bio-inspired Active Soft Orthotic Device for Ankle Foot Pathologies”, in Intl. Conference on Robots and Systems (IROS), 2011. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Bio-inspired Active Soft Orthotic Device for Ankle Foot Pathologies
C.- han Yu and R. Nagpal, “Biologically-Inspired Control for Multi-Agent Self-Adaptive Tasks”, in Twenty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2010. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Biologically-Inspired Control for Multi-Agent Self-Adaptive Tasks
C.- han Yu, “Biologically-Inspired Control for Self-Adaptive Multiagent Systems”, 2010. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Biologically-Inspired Control for Self-Adaptive Multiagent Systems
K. Soltan, J. O’Brien, F. Berlinger, R. Nagpal, and J. Dusek, “A Biomimetic Actuation Method for a Miniature, Low-Cost Multi-jointed Robotic Fish”, in IEEE OCEANS conference, 2018.
F. Berlinger, “Blueswarm: 3D Self-organization in a Fish-inspired Robot Swarm”, PhD Thesis, Harvard University, 2021.
J. Werfel, Y. Bar-Yam, and R. Nagpal, “Building Patterned Structures with Robot Swarms”, in Intl. Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI ’05), 2005. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Building Patterned Structures with Robot Swarms