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10 Publications


Y.-L. Park, B.-R. Chen, C. Majidi, R. Wood, R. Nagpal, and E. Goldfield, “Active Modular Elastomer Sleeve for Soft Wearable Assistance Robots”, in IEEE Intl. Conference on Robots and Systems (IROS), 2012. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Active Modular Elastomer Sleeve for Soft Wearable Assistance Robots
M. Rubenstein, B. Cimino, R. Nagpal, and J. Werfel, “AERobot: An Affordable One-Robot-Per-Student System for Early Robotics Education”, in Intl. Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2015.
H. Abelson et al., “Amorphous Computing”, Communications of the ACM, vol. 43, no. 5, 2000.
M. Malley, “Army Ant Inspired Adaptive Self-Assembly with Soft Climbing Robots”, PhD Thesis, Harvard University, 2020.
D. Yamins and R. Nagpal, “Automated Global-to-Local Programming in 1-D Spatial Multi-Agent Systems”, in Intl. Conf on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), 2008. [Online]. Available: Referenced from Automated Global-to-Local Programming in 1-D Spatial Multi-Agent Systems
R. Moore, K. Dantu, G. Barrows, and R. Nagpal, “Autonomous MAV guidance with a lightweight omnidirectional vision sensor”, in IEEE Intl. Conf on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2014.