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2 Publications
B. Kate, J. Waterman, K. Dantu, and M. Welsh, “Simbeeotic: A Simulator and Testbed for Micro-Aerial Vehicle Swarm Experiments”, in Intl. Conf. on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), 2012. [Online]. Available: Referenced from ssr.seas.harvard.edu: Simbeeotic: A Simulator and Testbed for Micro-Aerial Vehicle Swarm Experiments
H. Ko, G. Lauder, and R. Nagpal, “The role of hydrodynamics in collective motions of fish schools and bioinspired underwater robots”, Journal of the Royal Society, Interface, vol. 20, no. 207, p. 20230357, 2023, [Online]. Available: Open Access (Cover article): The role of hydrodynamics in collective motions of fish schools and bioinspired underwater robots