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7 Publications
M. Gauci, M. Ortiz, M. Rubenstein, and R. Nagpal, “Error Cascades in Collective Behavior: A Case Study of the Gradient Algorithm on 1000 Physical Agents”, in 16th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), 2017.
M. Gauci, R. Nagpal, and M. Rubenstein, “Programmable Self-Disassembly for Shape Formation in Large-Scale Robot Collectives”, in 13th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS), 2016.
W. T. Gibson et al., “Control of the Mitotic Cleavage Plane by Local Epithelial Topology”, Cell, vol. 144, no. 3, pp. 414–426, 2011.
W. T. Gibson, “Topological biases and feedbacks in proliferating tissues”, 2011. [Online]. Available: Referenced from ssr.seas.harvard.edu: Topological biases and feedbacks in proliferating tissues
M. Gibson, A. Patel, R. Nagpal, and N. Perrimon, “The Emergence of Geometric Order in Proliferating Metazoan Epithelia”, Nature, vol. 442, no. 7106, 2006.
E. Gonzalez, L. Houel, R. Nagpal, and M. Malley, “Influencing Emergent Self-Assembled Structures in Robotic Collectives Through Traffic Control”, in Intl Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), 2022.
B. Green, P. Bardunias, S. Turner, R. Nagpal, and J. Werfel, “Excavation and aggregation as organizing factors in de novo construction by mound-building termites”, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, vol. 284, no. 1856, 2017, [Online]. Available: Open Access: Excavation and aggregation as organizing factors in de novo construction by mound-building termites