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17 Publications
J. Bachrach, R. Nagpal, M. Salib, and H. Shrobe, “Experimental Results and Theoretical Analysis of a Self-Organizing Global Coordinate System for Ad Hoc Sensor Networks”, Telecommunications Systems Journal, 2003, [Online]. Available: Referenced from ssr.seas.harvard.edu: Experimental Results and Theoretical Analysis of a Self-Organizing Global Coordinate System for Ad Hoc Sensor Networks
P. Bailis, R. Nagpal, and J. Werfel, “Positional Communication and Private Information in Honeybee Foraging Models”, in Intl. Conference on Swarms Intelligence (ANTs), 2010.
P. Bardunias et al., “The extension of internal humidity levels beyond the soil surface facilitates mound expansion in Macrotermes”, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Science, vol. 287, no. 1930, 2020.
A. Becker, G. Habibi, J. Werfel, M. Rubenstein, and J. McLurkin, “Massive Uniform Manipulation: Controlling Large Populations of Simple Robots With a Common Input Signal”, in IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2013. [Online]. Available: Referenced from ssr.seas.harvard.edu: Massive Uniform Manipulation: Controlling Large Populations of Simple Robots With a Common Input Signal
R. Belisle, C.- han Yu, and R. Nagpal, “Mechanical Design and Locomotion of Modular-Expanding Robots”, in Modular Robotics Workshop, IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2010. [Online]. Available: Referenced from ssr.seas.harvard.edu: Mechanical Design and Locomotion of Modular-Expanding Robots
F. Berlinger, M. Gauci, and R. Nagpal, “Implicit coordination for 3D underwater collective behaviors in a fish-inspired robot swarm”, Science Robotics, vol. 6, no. 50, 2021.
F. Berlinger, P. Wulkop, and R. Nagpal, “Self-Organized Evasive Fountain Maneuvers with a Bio-inspired Underwater Robot Collective”, in Intl. Conference on Automation and Robotics (ICRA), 2021.
F. Berlinger, “Blueswarm: 3D Self-organization in a Fish-inspired Robot Swarm”, PhD Thesis, Harvard University, 2021.
F. Berlinger, M. Saadat, H. Haj-Hariri, G. Lauder V, and R. Nagpal, “Fish-like three-dimensional swimming with an autonomous, multi-fin, and biomimetic robot”, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, vol. 16, no. 2, 2021, [Online]. Available: Open Access: Fish-like three-dimensional swimming with an autonomous, multi-fin, and biomimetic robot
F. Berlinger, M. Duduta, H. Gloria, D. Clarke, R. Nagpal, and R. Wood, “A Modular Dielectric Elastomer Actuator to Drive Miniature Autonomous Underwater Vehicles”, in Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018.
F. Berlinger, J. Dusek, M. Gauci, and R. Nagpal, “Robust Maneuverability of a Miniature Low-Cost Underwater Robot using Multiple Fin Actuation”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), vol. PP, no. 99, 2017.
F. Berlinger, J. Ebert, and R. Nagpal, “Impressionist Algorithms for Autonomous Multi-Robot Systems: Flocking As a Case Study”, in IEEE RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2022.
S. Berman, R. Nagpal, and A. Halasz, “Optimization of Stochastic Strategies for Spatially Inhomogeneous Robot Swarms: A Case Study in Commercial Pollination”, in Intl. Conference on Robots and Systems (IROS), 2011. [Online]. Available: Referenced from ssr.seas.harvard.edu: Optimization of Stochastic Strategies for Spatially Inhomogeneous Robot Swarms: A Case Study in Commercial Pollination
S. Berman, V. Kumar, and and R. Nagpal, “Design of Control Policies for Spatially Inhomogeneous Robot Swarms with Application to Commercial Pollination”, in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2011. [Online]. Available: Referenced from ssr.seas.harvard.edu: Design of Control Policies for Spatially Inhomogeneous Robot Swarms with Application to Commercial Pollination
K. Binney, “Teach a Fish to Swim: Evaluating the Ability of Turing Learning to Infer Schooling Behavior”, Bachelor’s Thesis, Harvard University, 2019.
S. Booth, J. Tompkins, H. Pfister, J. Waldo, K. Gajos, and R. Nagpal, “Piggybacking Robots: Human-Robot Overtrust in University Dormitory Security”, in ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2017.
J. Budd, “Seaturtle: A low-cost underwater Robot”, ES100 Senior Capstone Project, Harvard University, 2015.