@inproceedings{796, author = {Serena Booth and James Tompkins and Hanspeter Pfister and Jim Waldo and Krzysztof Gajos and Radhika Nagpal}, title = {Piggybacking Robots: Human-Robot Overtrust in University Dormitory Security}, abstract = {

Can overtrust in robots compromise physical security? We posi- tioned a robot outside a secure-access student dormitory and made it ask passersby for access. Individual participants were as likely to assist the robot in exiting the dormitory (40\% assistance rate, 4/10 individuals) as in entering (19\%, 3/16 individuals). Groups of people were more likely than individuals to assist the robot in entering (71\%, 10/14 groups). When the robot was disguised as a food delivery agent for the �ctional start-up Robot Grub, individ- uals were more likely to assist the robot in entering (76\%, 16/21 individuals). Lastly, participants who identi�ed the robot as a bomb threat demonstrated a trend toward assisting the robot (87\%, 7/8 individuals, 6/7 groups). �us, overtrust{\textemdash}the unfounded belief that the robot does not intend to deceive or carry risk{\textemdash}can represent a signi�cant threat to physical security at a university dormitory.\ 

}, year = {2017}, journal = {ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI)}, note = {(based on senior thesis, awarded Harvard Hoopes Prize)}, language = {eng}, }